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Sex Guides

Ah, the great, long orgasm battle between man vs woman. One of life’s greatest mysteries of understanding what the opposite sex experiences during an orgasm.

In the past 3 years working on Lioness and talking about the data of orgasms, we get a lot of questions about male vs female orgasms: “How do women orgasm?” "What does an orgasm feel like for women?" “Are orgasms better for men or women?” “Why are women’s orgasms more complicated than men’s?” “Can men use the Lioness?”

For a while, I could only refer to different scientific papers and models which gets overwhelming even for me to fully understand all the schools of thought...

  • 3 min read

The Magic Wand wasn't deemed one of "The 50 Most Influential Gadgets of All Time" by Time Magazine for just any ol' reason. It's one of the most classic, longstanding vibrators out there.

With all of the new gadgets and gizmos that have been invented since this massager's inception in 1968 (by super conservative Japanese company Hitachi, no less), does it still stand up to new technology? Let's find out!

I'm going to use my trusty Lioness to measure my orgasm when using the Magic Wand vs. when using other toys and stimulators, so we can see how the experiences are similar and different. 

  • 6 min read

When I first heard about the dosist pens and that they made some specifically for sexy times, the first thought I had was "which one is the best for sex?" That's because I've ended up inadvertently becoming a reviewer of different cannabis products, using my Lioness smart vibrator to see data (paired with subjective opinion) to compare my experiences. It's been quite the rollercoaster, but a very fun one.

  • 6 min read

At first I reached for dosist’s arouse pen as a distraction. I had been apart from my girlfriend for a time (not long enough to gain sympathy) and was annoyed at how much I was missing her when I could have just been sleeping... or doing something else. So I partook in one of my favorite pastimes: getting high and getting off. And this time I had a new toy to try that had some pretty lofty claims...

  • 4 min read

There are a variety of ways people can explore with the Lioness Vibrator. Whether you have a question, want to improve pleasure or intimacy, or just want to have fun, there's always something new to explore.

Plus, we are constantly adding new features and functionality via free iOS and Android app updates for even more ways to learn and play.

We've included several examples of what you could do with Lioness.

  • 3 min read
That’s right, I’m writing a whole post about showing you my anal orgasm data in response to your sassy question. And even better, I’m going to show you what the anal orgasm data looks like compared to my vaginal orgasm data from the same session through double penetration.
  • 3 min read

I’ve sometimes given the suggestion of trying different sensations with different external stimulators, using the Lioness more a measurement tool by keeping the vibration off using the customizable vibration settings. This is an example of what I mean — here, I’ll use the Zumio X while using the Lioness’s biofeedback technology to show arousal and orgasm. You can see the differences between using the Zumio’s pinpoint sensation versus Lioness’ flexible clitoral nub (plus whatever else I experiment with!).

  • 5 min read

Since our first article on cannabis and orgasms, we’ve gotten a lot more questions about how cannabis affects sex and orgasms. Something that surprised me was that even some regular cannabis users did not pay much attention to the differences between indica, sativa, and hybrids. There are thousands of varieties of cannabis plants out there that can produce different effects for different people. We wanted to take a peek at the potential of some of the differences.

  • 7 min read
How do you describe what an orgasm feels like? What is a female orgasm? We'll cover what people have said from studies and show some real data to shed some light on the issue.
  • 4 min read

Imagine this: something, somewhere out there will let you have an orgasm in under a minute. Sound desirable? You’re not alone. Many people are intrigued by the offer of fast, guaranteed orgasms. It's like Amazon Prime Now for orgasms: Same day delivery.

But is faster always better? Not always. That may be surprising, but I’ll explain what I mean with accounts from real people, and real data from those people.

Finally, if—after putting “faster” into perspective—it’s still what you’re going after, we’ll give some tips on how to get there and achieve your fastest orgasm.

  • 8 min read
Gwenyth Paltrow and goop have been over the moon about jade and quartz eggs, so I'm going to see for myself—and I'll show you data of my arousal and orgasm before and after the experience. We'll go over what kegel eggs are, how to use them, and if they actually improve sex and your orgasms.
  • 9 min read

One of the more common questions we get from people about our experience at Lioness is if we’ve found a particular quality that gets you the so-called best orgasm ever. This is sometimes asked in a couple different ways, such as whether having a more intense orgasm is better, if a faster orgasm (under a minute! 30 seconds!) is better, or even whether a “super” orgasm is better. Or any <insert the blank> quality, for that matter ...

Let’s look at real examples of strong/fast/slow/long/quick orgasms from people I’ve asked who have the Lioness Vibrator, a vibrator and app that can actually show you your own arousal and orgasm. (Confused? You’ll see in a minute.)

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